We appreciate any contribution you might be able to make for this very important, mighty cause.
There is no better investment than in the lives of Mothers and Children right here in our own back yards. We are very good stewards of every penny we receive and know how to stretch a dollar.
YOU can be that something good in someone’s life! By donating to our program, you can help see to it that each of our women are able to get everything they need in order to heal from a lifetime of pain and suffering, find her life’s calling and carve out her very own version of happily ever after!
- Reconstruction of home: $7,500
- Expansion of Court Advocacy: $25,000
- Expansion of Public Awareness: $25,000
- Two part-time Case Managers: $35,000
- One part-time Driver/technician: $12,000
GRAND TOTAL: $104,500
Your Donation means the world to us! Just click on the link above to donate by credit card. Or…
Learn to Fish, Inc.
6131 5th St. E.
Bradenton, FL 34203
*If you would like to assist with one of the projects mentioned listed specifically, please write the project name in the memo section of your check.
- Reconstruction of a home into low-income housing for LTF graduates: This housing will only be offered to Women enrolled as full-time students that are maintaining a 2.5 GPA or higher. $300 per month will include rent, utilities, water, garbage, cable, washer, dryer & WIFI.
- Expanding our Court Advocacy program:
We have worked very hard over the past seven years working with public defenders, private attorneys, state attorneys and Judges in the 12th Judicial Circuit. The reason for this has been to advocate for the Women we serve in an attempt to get them sentenced to the treatment they need in lieu of Jail time. Their charges are always directly associated with the victimization they have been through. Our judicial system has yet to recognize this. The benefits of providing proper treatment for these Women are in the best interest of the Women, their Children, taxpayers and our community as a whole. We want to be able to help more Women and need the resources to do so.
- Expanding our jail program: LTF been bringing a Treatment and Awareness Program into the Manatee County Jail since 2007. We are the only Recovery program in the Manatee County Jail. We do so on a voluntary basis and we are not provided with any materials whatsoever. We need help with resources for materials in order to serve more Women who are incarcerated.
- Hiring qualified staff: As the number of Women we’re able to serve increases, so does our need for qualified staffing! We desperately need to add two case managers an
d a part-time “technician” to drive the girls to appointments, the store, and various errands.
Over the years we’ve had so many amazing volunteers from diverse backgrounds, who have made a major impact on the efficiency and quality of program we’re able to provide to those we serve.
One thing I never anticipated was the impact volunteering for our program was going to make in the lives of those who have so graciously and lovingly given of themselves.
I couldn’t possibly count how many times volunteers have shared with me, the newfound joy that’s entered their lives. Some suffering from isolation and depression now have a sense of purpose and gratitude. ” Empty Nests” don’t feel nearly as empty, marriages have grown stronger, as each partner finds their niche to give back individually or together, and for the man or woman who has everything, who’s sitting there thinking “Now what? is this it, is this all there is?” … I can guarantee you, you’ve never experienced anything like what giving of your time to Learn to Fish does for our gals and will do for your heart!
Come find out for yourself!
We have the following volunteer opportunities currently available. If you don’t see anything that interests you, please give us a call and tell us what you’d like to do!
Volunteer Opportunities:
Group Leaders for the following:
Bible Study
Arts & Crafts
Anything 12 Step-related
We Also Need Help With:
Office Assistants
Volunteer Fundraising Committee
Public Awareness
Event Planning
Help at our Thrift Store
Court Advocacy
Jail Ministry
Grant Writing
What Can I do Right Now?
Sponsor a mom and her children
Support us monthly
Make a one-time donation
Donate a vehicle
Donate items to our Thrift shop
Donate materials and/or labor
Donate toiletries and/or linens
…And much, much more!
We’d love to have you come to take a tour of our home! Call us to schedule a time and have a cup of coffee and conversation with us!
If you have any questions, or would like to volunteer, please call us – 941-251-7937 or email -aqua@ltfrecovery.org or visit our Contact Us page.